Yesterday, I had to go to the my office to print up documents for a project for work. It was a lot of pages to print up at home, so going to the office was the only answer. I’ve been back in the office only one other time since we were shut down. My desk is still a mess (where are the clean-up and organizing faeries when you need them?) and there was a lot of mail to go through.…
Last Day!
Today is the last day of Effy Wild’s April Blogging challenge. While I didn’t do it every day, I posted way more than I have in a long time. It was such a pleasure to read blogs again and learn about other people. Facebook and Twitter feels like surface level learning about people. Blogging feels much more authentic and true. Effy will be hosting another blog along in September and if you were a past blogger or want to blog in…
Acrylics, Adventures, art, blog, colored pencils, dealing with life, divorce, Effys's Blogging Challenge, meanderings, mixed media, new life, Thoughts
Give in to Joy
I finally finished the painting I started the other day. It is from Effy Wild’s “Year of Mary. There were a number of times where I was feeling frustrated with this girl and wanted to throw it in the bin. I decided to start talking to her lovingly and thinking nice, lovely thoughts towards the painting and this girl. She finally started to emerge in the way that was pleasing to me. There’s a lesson, here, right? Most of us engage…
Pretty Starts
Yesterday evening, I finally got a chance to do some painting. I started this last night. I love the different colors and the way it sparks joy in my heart. This photo is in the very beginning stages of the piece I’m working on right now. I can’t wait to see the final product. This is a piece where I’m following a lesson and the voice of criticism starts sneaking in. I lit incense and had my sparkly lights on…
Flowers of Cabo
Here are some beautiful flowers I took photos of while we were in Cabo. When I finally have some time to paint and create again, I’m going to use these as inspiration. I’m obsessed with flowers and whenever I get a chance when I’m out and about, I take lots of pictures to the happy annoyance of my husband. My most favorite flower of them all is the one in the pink category below (it’s also my featured photo for…
When friendships fade
I have very few girlfriends. My closest female relationships are to my mom, my daughter and my cousin. I envy women who seem to have bountiful, strong female relationships. During my first marriage, I spent a lot of time raising a family, going to school, and working. Developing long-term friendships was hard because my time was so limited. Also my ex-husband wasn’t the easiest person to be around and too often, would make negative comments, which would then make me…
My first love
Stories have been told about how when I was very little, I would lie in my crib and sing gibberish to myself. I’m sure I understood the words even if no one else could. I love singing. It was my first creative outlet. And when my kindergarten teacher yelled at me for not cutting a piece of felt correctly and thus, I turned away from being an artist who created with my hands, I always knew I could sing and…
Body Beautiful
We arrived in Cabo Thursday afternoon. We are very fortunate to be staying in an amazing resort called Montage. Our room has gorgeous views of the ocean. We have had incredible food and have been able to relax by the pool. Confession – I spent way too many years hating my body. It really is a love/hate relationship I have with it. For many years, I refused to buy a swimsuit and absolutely would not have gone to the pool,…
YNABer (Or fun with budgeting, really!)
After my divorce, I decided to be better with my money. The ex and I were never very good savers and planning things very well financially. We tended to live paycheck to paycheck and when we wanted something, we never hesitated to charge it. When it came to the divorce being finalized, we both walked away being in a lot of debt to a couple of credit card companies. And I contributed to that debt soon after the divorce was…
Acrylics, Adventures, art, blog, dealing with life, divorce, Effys's Blogging Challenge, Grief, mixed media, Thoughts, travel, watercolor
The Bird in the Storm
Art I’m in a rut, artistically speaking, right now. I’ve signed up for quite a few things this year and nothing is speaking to me. Yesterday, I continued working on a piece that I started this week-end and I’m very “meh” about it right now. I try to be gentle with myself as a newbie artist, but this is something I fail at with myself often. When left to create something on my own, my brain goes blank or rather…