Ripples in a pond
My dog is sick. She started holding her rear hind leg up close to her body about two weeks ago. We took her to the vet a week ago on Friday. He prescribed some antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory. We thought she was doing better, but by mid week, it was very obvious that she was not getting better. She was refusing food and water and sleeping a lot. This is not typical for her as she is a terrier and…
Acrylics, art, blog, colored pencils, dealing with life, depression, mixed media, Thoughts, Thoughts, watercolor
My saving grace
We went to a burial on Friday. It was for my husband’s brother-in-law who had suffered from a stroke a few months ago. It was in a rural part of the state and it was eye-opening for me to see the number of people out and about without masks. My husband and I both were double-masked throughout the day. He has received one of two vaccinations and is set to receive his second one today. We stayed with my parents…
Just Play
This past week, I watched a live session from Effy on the full moon in Leo as she worked on an art piece. My art journey started back in April or May of last year. It’s very easy for me to be critical of the work I’m doing and compare myself to people like Effy, Tamara and Toni or the countless of other people who are following their tutorials. Effy touched on this when she made a comment about looking…
Acrylics, art, blog, dealing with life, divorce, divorce, marriage, mixed media, separation, Thoughts, Thoughts, watercolor
Santa Cruz
A couple of months after the ex and I started dating, we went on a week-end trip to Santa Cruz. I was still living at home and told my parents that I was spending the night at my girlfriend’s house. He had a motorcycle, so I rode on the back with my arms around his waist as we zipped around the corners through the mountain on Highway 17. It was the first time I spent the night with him. (I…
Acrylics, art, colored pencils, dealing with life, divorce, marriage, meanderings, mixed media, poetry, Thoughts, watercolor
Random Thoughts 1162021
1. It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write any poetry. And I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never owned any poetry written by Mary Oliver. This past week, I purchased her book “Devotions” as well as the book of poems from Kate Baer called “What Kind of Woman” from Powell’s Books in Portland. I’m diving into the lusciousness that are words on paper that make you feel all the feels. 2. Yesterday’s was my (new) husband’s 70th…
Wants and Obsessions
It’s weird how the universe works. That saying that there are no coincidences seems more and more profound to me. Right now, I’m doing a program called Moonshine, which is an art witchery program. To me, it’s another path of exploring my spirituality and one that I’ve been interested in for a long time. It’s been a want of mine and I’m finally doing it. Which brings me to today’s post. One of the first activities I engaged in was…
This is a hard time of year, even though it’s also a good time for me in my life. I’m with someone who adores me and is good for me and to me in many ways. We are working on creating memories together. This is our second Christmas spent together and it’s been nice. Simple and sweet. I really, really miss my kids and my grandkids. I think my kids would say that their Christmases were pretty good over the…
Journal Prompt #2
I’ve written previously here about the journal prompts done by Effy Wild. So today’s blog post is an attempt to answer the prompt. Her prompts have three parts. The first part is usually art related, which I haven’t done (but may in the future). The second part is writing, so I’m doing that part today. She breaks it down like this: Prompt (art), Ponder (writing), Quote – which is a quote she provides in contexts of the previous two sections.…
three years
Today marks the third year of the day that I made my first attempt to end my life. My life as I knew it was ending. I had no way of knowing at the time how differently beautiful my life would become. I felt completely alone and the only way out that I could see was to end the intense pain I was feeling. I just wanted that pain to end. I remember taking my pills that were meant to…
Meanderings 1
We celebrated Thanksgiving again this year by ourselves. It was our second one together and I was hoping that we wouldn’t be repeating last year’s Thanksgiving of it just being us. Thanks to COVID and people not adhering to the guidelines, here we are. That being said, I was surprised to learn the impact I have had on our traditional Thanksgiving dinners when all of our family was able to get together. There are two dishes I used to make…