• art,  dealing with life,  meanderings,  Thoughts

    Meanderings 1

    We celebrated Thanksgiving again this year by ourselves. It was our second one together and I was hoping that we wouldn’t be repeating last year’s Thanksgiving of it just being us. Thanks to COVID and people not adhering to the guidelines, here we are. That being said, I was surprised to learn the impact I have had on our traditional…

  • blog,  dealing with life,  divorce,  Journal Prompt,  marriage,  new life,  Thoughts

    Journal Prompt #1

    As I’ve written previously, I started on a creative journey pretty soon after the pandemic hit and we all went into lockdown. (I also turned to gardening, so I’ll probably write about that on here as well. Our tomatoes went crazy and I’ve also turned to canning in order to keep up with my crazy tomato plants!) Like crocheting, I…

  • Adventures,  blog,  Dating,  dealing with life,  new life

    Moving on

    I don’t think that anyone with true, deep feelings for someone else, ever stops loving them. I know that for some getting to a place where you stop caring for the person who betrayed you is the end goal and I’m here to tell you that it’s okay if you never stop caring. I think what is important is acknowledging…

  • she fell apart
    art,  blog,  dealing with life,  depression,  mixed media,  new life,  watercolor

    Healing through Art

    When the pandemic hit and everything went into shut-down, it hit me hard. I’m a people person (an ambivert, actually) and enjoy going TO work and interacting WITH people. Being stuck at home in days that felt like the movie “Groundhog Day,” left me very depressed for about six weeks. My poor boyfriend didn’t quite know what to do with…

  • dealing with life,  divorce,  poetry


    My brother called me stupid All the time when I was a little girl I now have a bachelor and a master’s degree My husband said he couldn’t stand the sound of my voice at the end of our marriage I now have a weekly podcast I refuse to let the limitations of others define my own limitations ©christal hall…

  • Adventures,  blog,  dealing with life,  divorce,  new life,  travel


    Sometimes change happens, even if you don’t want it. If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I was thrust into a change that I never anticipated, nor wanted. And I’m still working on what the change means for me and for what kind of life I want for the remaining days (and…

  • dealing with life,  poetry,  Thoughts


    I’ve thought a lot about forgiveness over this past year and a half. I am not there yet for more than a few people in my life. And I don’t think I will ever be there for my brother. What he has done is not forgivable. As I work through my shit, I realize more and more the connections from…