SS Sphinx
Learn more about the crew of the SS Sphinx.
Enchanting Egypt
Read about our recent trip to Egypt.
Relaxing and Exploring
Day 3 I think it’s important to build in days of relaxation in between your days of adventures when going on vacation. This was a new concept to my husband, Patric who wants to jam-pack as much as possible when we go to new places. I understand that desire because you don’t necessarily know if/when you will be back to…
Our Travel to Mexico
At the end of January, my husband and I flew to Merida, Mexico. Merida is on the Yucatan Peninsula and is just over 3 hours northwest of Cancun. Neither one of us had ever been to Merida, so we were looking forward to a new adventure. We stayed at the Chable’ Yucatan Resort, which is about 40 miles east of…
Taking a Bite of the Big Apple!
Tomorrow we leave on our next adventure. We will be going to New York City for a full week. We have lots of adventures planned. We arrive tomorrow evening where we will be staying at The Lotte. Below is our full itinery of things we will be doing. Let me know in the comments if you’ve been to NYC and…
Slow Down
There was a lot to hate about the pandemic, like not being able to see loved ones, hanging out with your neighbors, traveling, dining out and all the ugliness that a certain orange one encouraged in his followers. There was a lot I hated about it and I greatly struggled in the first few months of it. I did not…
Acrylics, art, blog, dealing with life, divorce, divorce, marriage, mixed media, new life, Thoughts, Thoughts, watercolor
Today’s picture is from Effy Wild’s “Year of Mary” lesson. Each month she does a painting inspired by the poetry of Mary Oliver. This was the lesson for March and it created so many challenges for me. In fact, it’s been sitting on my art cart for about two weeks because I could not get her face done right or to what…
Ripples in a pond
My dog is sick. She started holding her rear hind leg up close to her body about two weeks ago. We took her to the vet a week ago on Friday. He prescribed some antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory. We thought she was doing better, but by mid week, it was very obvious that she was not getting better. She was…
Acrylics, art, blog, colored pencils, dealing with life, depression, mixed media, Thoughts, Thoughts, watercolor
My saving grace
We went to a burial on Friday. It was for my husband’s brother-in-law who had suffered from a stroke a few months ago. It was in a rural part of the state and it was eye-opening for me to see the number of people out and about without masks. My husband and I both were double-masked throughout the day. He…
Just Play
This past week, I watched a live session from Effy on the full moon in Leo as she worked on an art piece. My art journey started back in April or May of last year. It’s very easy for me to be critical of the work I’m doing and compare myself to people like Effy, Tamara and Toni or the…