This last week was one for the books. Many long days with work and the stress that comes with being in negotiations with employers who clearly don’t value their employees in any meaningful way. By Friday evening, I was toast. I told my husband that this week-end, all I wanted to do was garden and create.
Yesterday, I played in the dirt. I started with planting the seeds for the tomato plants, yellow peppers and black sunflowers I want to grow this year. Then I moved onto breaking apart the various succulents we have into new planters, replanting the mum and the chrysanthemum plants I bought last fall into their new containers. I also bought an elephant eat bulb that I hope will actually grow this year. I’ve bought elephant ear bulbs over the past three years and I have yet to be successful in having one grow. I told myself if this one doesn’t sprout, I won’t try again.
I have more planting to do today. In our garden beds, I’m planting more dahlias and gladiolas. I also need to put down more dirt and chicken poop for when the tomato plants get large enough to be transplanted into the garden beds.
Gardening is another thing I have to be thankful for from the pandemic. It was something that brought my mind some peace as well as excitement when we would spy little spots of green emerging from the soil.
I’ve been on kind of an artist block, so gardening may be it for this week-end. I can’t wait for June to be here as schools will be on their summer break and I can get some respite and recharge for the challenges I will be facing at the start of next year.

Karen (formerly kcinnova)
I had to look up elephant ear plants. How helpful to live in a time with the internet at our fingertips! I’m glad you have gardening to help keep you sane in stressful times. It’s definitely creative!
It’s so important to have some creativity built into every day. Especially with the stress of your job. Don’t worry about the artist block -we all get that. I love that you took good care of yourself this weekend.