Body Beautiful
We arrived in Cabo Thursday afternoon. We are very fortunate to be staying in an amazing resort called Montage. Our room has gorgeous views of the ocean. We have had incredible food and have been able to relax by the pool.
Confession – I spent way too many years hating my body. It really is a love/hate relationship I have with it. For many years, I refused to buy a swimsuit and absolutely would not have gone to the pool, worried about comments or stares from other people. I know that much of this was in my own mind and the words said to me by my abusive older brother of being fat and ugly. Mind you, when I was growing up, I was never fat (or ugly for that matter). When I got married at 19, I was 110 lbs and wore a size 3. Even then, I felt “fat.” After the birth of each of my three kids, I never quite lost all the baby fat. I’ve written previously about how much harder it is now to lose weight as a 55 year old woman, but something comes with age that I absolutely love.
For me, it’s freedom. I am free to love myself exactly how I am. I am free to wear a swimsuit, go the pool and not give a damn what other people think of me and truthfully, a lot of them aren’t thinking of anything about me in particular. And if they are, it probably has more to do with the over dozen tattoos I have on my body.
I wish I would have felt and embraced this freedom earlier. This body that gave birth to three beautiful babies, nurtured them from my breasts, endured needles from the tattoo gun, moves to the beat of beautiful music, bore the brutality of my car flipping over on the highway, and so many other ways it has sustained me, deserves to be loved and respected.
Today the plan will be to do some kayaking, then heading out to San Jose Del Cabo to walk through the town and enjoy another fantastic meal.

yes to all of this! Enjoy your vaca! x
Christal Kelly
It was fabulous, truly, truly.
This is so very inspiring and oh how I love it. I hope you have a fantabulous, wonderful time. Thanks for your your wonderful words.
Christal Kelly
We had a really great time. It’s back to reality now, unfortunately. I’m very happy that you enjoyed reading this post.