• blog,  Journal Prompt,  Thoughts

    Journal Prompt #2

    I’ve written previously here about the journal prompts done by Effy Wild. So today’s blog post is an attempt to answer the prompt. Her prompts have three parts. The first part is usually art related, which I haven’t done (but may in the future). The second part is writing, so I’m doing that part today. She breaks it down like…

  • blog,  dealing with life,  divorce,  Journal Prompt,  marriage,  new life,  Thoughts

    Journal Prompt #1

    As I’ve written previously, I started on a creative journey pretty soon after the pandemic hit and we all went into lockdown. (I also turned to gardening, so I’ll probably write about that on here as well. Our tomatoes went crazy and I’ve also turned to canning in order to keep up with my crazy tomato plants!) Like crocheting, I…